Key Features

Size Reduction and CMOS compatibility
Overall timing solution relative to the system. Our MEMS-based resonator is >10x smaller than legacy quartz-based timing solutions. They are fabricated using single crystal silicon, and 100% CMOS compatible allowing further system miniaturization.

Frequencies that meet your needs
Our technology allows us to fabricate oscillators that cover a range of frequencies. Gen 1 oscillators support from 32.768 kHz to 30 MHz with tunable the resonant frequency to meet our customer’s timing needs.

Resistance to Shock and Vibration
The use of single crystal silicon as the basis of the resonator leads to an unparalleled resistance to shock and vibration

Low Power Consumption and Multiple Loads
The devices are ideal for power sensitive applications, with best in class power consumption and ability to drive multiple loads concurrently.

Scalable Production
Our strategic partnerships in N. America and Asia for fabrication and assembly allows us to easily scale and ramp production to meet customer requirements.

Embedded MEMS for IC Integration
Our state-of-the-art MEMS resonator can be licensed for integration into other chipsets providing significant system advantages, and to licensed quartz oscillator suppliers.